CFP - BASEES Regional Conference: Globalizing Eastern Europe - New Perspectives on Transregional Entanglements 16. – 19 September 2020, Leipzig

British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES) Regional Conference

in conjunction with EEGA Results Conference

Globalizing Eastern Europe - New Perspectives on Transregional Entanglements


16. – 19 September 2020, Leipzig

Organised by EEGA and BASEES in cooperation with the Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS), and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde e. V. (DGO), both Berlin.

Call for Panels: 15-11-2019 until 31-12-2019

Call for Papers: 01-01-2020 until 31-03-2020


Following the first successful Regional Conference in Uppsala, Sweden, the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES) organises its second Regional Conference in cooperation with the Leibniz-ScienceCampus “Eastern Europe – Global Area” (EEGA) on 16 – 19 September 2020 in Leipzig, Germany. Under the theme “Globalizing Eastern Europe - New Perspectives on Transregional Entanglements” we seek to stimulate and discuss research on these border-crossing encounters in a comparative perspective. Aiming to stimulate a debate about interpretations across historical periods and geographical spaces, the conference brings together perspectives and case studies from a variety of disciplines. In thematic panels, round table discussions and interactive workshops dedicated to knowledge transfer and innovative science communication, about 100 international junior and senior scholars present their research on Eastern Europe in its global and transregional entanglements. A PechaKucha Night for young researchers will open the interdisciplinary exchange on 15 September at ZOiS (Berlin).

Call for Panels

Eastern Europe has been an object of academic interest for very long and innovative research has been undertaken from many perspectives to address various facets of the region’s historical and contemporary development. The space spanning from Poland in the West to Russia and Central Asia in the East and to the Balkans and the Caucasus in the South, can be understood as an assemblage of many regions with diverging interest and orientations which nevertheless has been constructed by actors from within and from outside as a unity. Its role in international relations, its impact on the circulation of ideas and cultural patterns, its contribution to a long history of migrations as well as its position in transregional trade and division of labour have been addressed by several scholars. The debate about globalization, however, has intensified the interest in such perspectives. Based on the research aims and agenda of the Leibniz ScienceCampus "Eastern Europe - Global Area" (EEGA), this regional conference aims at connecting the study of Eastern Europe with the study of global processes, both historically and for the most recent times. It brings together area expertise with recent trends in the fields of global history and transregional studies. At the heart of this conference is the question as to how Eastern European societies are positioning themselves in and towards global processes and conflicts. Of particular interest are the dynamics of global integration and the perspectives of those stakeholders advocating such development. Individual papers raise the question of a specific Eastern European experience and position in a globalizing world. The conference wants to focus on the various scales at which border-crossing processes can be observed. Applying concepts of minority and minority positions, practices and narratives of inclusion, the conference explores processes such as migration and mobility, economic networks and political integration, as well as intercultural perspectives and identities. During the four-day conference, academics from geography, history, area studies, linguistics, law, religious studies, cultural studies and political science will discuss topics like:

·         Self-Positioning of Eastern Europe

·         Youth: Attitudes, Participation and Transnationalism

·         Global Influences on Cultural Identifications in Eastern Europe

·         National Education and Globalized Academic Standards

·         Mobilities and Migration Regimes in Eastern Europe

·         Border Regimes and Border Experiences

·         Eastern Europe in Processes of Regionalisation and Globalisation

·         Economic and Regional Development under the Global Condition

·         Governments and Governance

·         Populist Movements and Forms of Authoritarianism



BASEES, EEGA and the cooperating partners invite academics, especially at PhD and postdoc level, to submit panel proposals (incl. title, abstract of max. 350 words, names and e-mail addresses of convenor, panellists and discussant, paper titles, and CV of main organisers) through the online submission form at Proposals can be submitted until 31 December 2019. The selection will be made by an international programme committee and will take place during the course of January. The authors of panel proposals will be notified of the result soon after.

Please note, that we will publish a call for individual papers on 1 January, see here. The deadline for submission will be 31 March 2020.

In addition to thematic panels and single papers that address those issues described above, EEGA invites colleagues from science and the media to discuss how these highly relevant questions can be transferred into the public debate, especially with regard to Eastern Europe and its global interdependence. For further information on knowledge transfer workshops and application/registration procedures see here.



For participation fee we offer an early-bird rate: 4 day-attendance 75 EUR (full); 25 EUR (students). The early bird rate will end on 31 April 2020. Standard rates are 100 EUR (full); 50 EUR (students).

Successful applicants of panels and individual papers are eligible to apply for one of the scholarships provided for excellent researchers at different stages of their career (postgraduate, postdoc and advanced scholars) via the online-portal here. Scholarships are provided by both EEGA and ZOiS. The Call for Applications for scholarships opens 1 February 2020.

Unfortunately, we cannot provide additional travel grants but we will organize accommodation suiting different needs and financial situations.
