Why should I join BASEES?

  • BASEES is the foremost learned society in the UK advancing the scholarly study of Russia, Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. We are active on behalf of our members in dealing with government, with other associations and with individual universities in the UK and beyond. 

  • BASEES members receive a discount on the BASEES Annual Conference fees. Our conference is held at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, in spring and draws more than 450 participants from the UK, continental Europe and North America, as well as Russia and Eastern Europe.

  • Members will receive professional news, information on upcoming conferences, funding opportunities, and recent publications through the BASEEES Newsletter (triannually) and the BASEES Bulletin (forthnightly).

  • BASEES members are eligible to be nominated for the prestigious BASEES prizes: the Alec Nove Prize in Russian in Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies; the George Blazyca Prize in East European Studies; the BASEES Prize for the Best Scholarly Article by a Postgraduate Student; and the BASEES Women’s Forum Prizes.

  • BASEES has its own Research and Development fund to support young and established scholars. UK-based members of the association can apply for Postgraduate Research Grants and grants to help organise seminar series and conferences.

  • BASEES sponsors a variety of study groups focusing on particular issues and topics. Examples include: the Study Group on the Russian Revolution; the Women's Forum; the Study Group on Religion and Spirituality in Russia and Eastern Europe; and the Study Group on Slavonic and East European Mediaeval Studies.


Please note that there are two categories of membership:

1.      Full Membership is for academic staff in full time posts in the UK and abroad

2.      Postgraduate/Early Career membership is for research students and Early Career scholars registered for a higher degree in any institution of higher education in the United Kingdom and abroad during the period of their study and for two years thereafter

3.      Associate Membership is for retired academic staff, academic staff on part-time contracts, independent scholars and others.

For more details of membership categories, please refer to the BASEES Constitution

Annual membership subscriptions are £45 for Full Members, £30 for Associate Members, and £25 for Postgraduate/Early Career Members.

For those paying by Direct Debit, membership is paid for a year in advance from the month the subscription is initiated.

For those paying with annual conference registration fees, by credit / debit card or by cheque, membership is for one year from the month in which the subscription payment is processed.


Please fill in the application form below and then use the payment form below.

Once you have filled and submitted the application form, please pay your membership fees using the form below. Our preferred method of payment is Direct Debit.

Alternatively, you can write a cheque for your first year's subscription made out to 'CAF/BASEES' and send it to DR JANEK GRYTA, University of Southampton, University Road, Southampton, SO17 1BJ. We can only accept cheques from UK bank accounts. The membership secretary will then forward your application and payment to CAF, Kings Hill, West Mailing, Kent, ME19 4TA, which manages BASEES membership.

For membership queries, please contact the membership secretary.
