BASEES and Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies

Routledge is very pleased to publish this series on behalf of BASEES. The primary aim of the series is to publish original, high-quality, research-level work by both new and established scholars, on all aspects of Russian, Soviet, post-Soviet and East European Studies in humanities and social science subjects. Works of synthesis, reference books, and student textbooks will also be considered. Submissions from prospective authors are welcomed, and should be sent in the first instance to the relevant series editor.

Series editors: 

Sociology and Anthropology: TBC

Economics and Business: Richard Connolly 

Media and Cultural Studies: Birgit Beumers 

Politics and International Relations: Andrew Wilson  

History: Matt Rendle 


1.  Ukraine’s Foreign and Security Policy, 1991-2000
Roman Wolczuk, University of Wolverhampton

2.  Political Parties in the Russian Regions
Derek Hutcheson, University College, Dublin

3.  Local Communities and Post-communist Transition
Edited by Simon Smith, University of Paisley

4.  Repression and Resistance in Communist Europe
Jason Sharman, University of Sydney

5.  Political Elites and the New Russia
Anton Steen, University of Oslo

6.  Dostoevsky and the Idea of Russianness
Sarah Hudspith, University of Leeds

7.  Performing Russia – Folk Revival and Russian Identity
Laura J. Olson, University of Colorado at Boulder

8.   Russian Transformations
Edited by Leo McCann, Manchester University

9.  Soviet Music and Society under Lenin and Stalin. The Baton and Sickle
Edited by Neil Edmunds, University of the West of England

10.  State Building in Ukraine. The Ukranian parliament, 1990-2003
Sarah Whitmore, Oxford Brookes University

11.  Defending Human Rights in Russia. Sergei Kovalyov, Dissident and Human Rights Commissioner, 1969-2003
Emma Gilligan, University of Chicago

12.  Small-Town Russia. Postcommunist Livelihoods and Identities A Portrait of the Intelligentsia in Achit, Bednodemyanovsk and Zubtsov, 1999-2000
Anne White, University of Bath

13.  Russian Society and the Orthodox Church. Religion in Russia after Communism
Zoe Knox, University of Leicester

14.  Russian Literary Culture in the Camera Age. The Word as Image
Stephen Hutchings, University of Manchester

15.  Between Stalin and Hitler. Class War and Race War on the Dvina, 1940-46
Geoffrey Swain, University of Glasgow

16.  Literature in Post-Communist Russia and Eastern Europe. The Russian, Czech and Slovak Fiction of the Changes 1988-98
Rajendra A. Chitnis, University of Bristol

17.  The Legacy of Soviet Dissent. Dissidents, Democratisation and Radical Nationalism in Russia
Robert Horvath, Melbourne University

18.  Russian and Soviet Film Adaptations of Literature, 1900-2001. Screening the Word
Edited by Stephen Hutchings, University of Manchester and Anat Vernitski, University of Surrey

19.  Russia as a Great Power. Dimensions of Security Under Putin
Edited by Jakob Hedenskog, Swedish Defence Research Agency, Vilhelm Konnander, Södertörn University College, Bertil Nygren, Swedish National Defence College, Ingmar Oldberg, Swedish Defence Research Agency, and Christer Pursiainen, Nordic Centre for Spatial Development and University of Helsinki

20.  Katyn and the Soviet Massacre of 1940. Truth, Justice and Memory
George Sanford, University of Bristol

21.  Conscience, Dissent and Reform in Late Soviet Russia
Philip Boobbyer, University of Kent at Canterbury

22.  The Limits of Russian Democratisation
Alexander Domrin, Iowa State University

23.  Post-Soviet Civil Society. Democratisation in Russia and the Baltic States 
Anders Uhlin, Lund University

24.  News, Media and Power in Russia 
Olessia Koltsova, Higher School of Economics, St Petersburg

25.  The Dilemmas of Destalinisation: Negotiating Cultural and Social Change in the Khrushchev Era
Edited by Polly Jones, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, London

26.  The Collapse of Communist Power in Poland
Jacqueline Hayden, University College, Dublin

27.  Television, Democracy and Elections in Russia
Sarah Oates, University of Glasgow

28. Russian Constitutionalism: History and Contemporary Development
Andrei Medushevsky, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow

29.  Late Stalinist Russia: Society Between Reconstruction and Reinvention
Edited by Juliane Fürst, St John’s College, Oxford

30.  The Transformation of Urban Space in Post-Soviet Russia
Konstantin Axenov, St Petersburg State University, Isolde Brade, Leibniz Institut für Landerkunde, Leipzig and Evgenij Bondarchuk, Research Institute for Applied Geography, St Petersburg

31.  Western Intellectuals and the Soviet Union, 1920-40. From Red Square to the Left Bank
Ludmila Stern, University of New South Wales

32.  The Germans of the Soviet Union
Irina Mukhina, Boston College

33.  Reconstructing the Post-Soviet Industrial Region
Edited by Adam Swain, University of Nottingham and Hans Van Zon, University of Sunderland

34.  Chechnya: Russia’s “War on Terror”
John Russell, University of Bradford

35.  The New Right in the New Europe. Czech transformation and right-wing politics 1989-2006
Sean Hanley, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London

36.  Democracy and Myth in Russia and Eastern Europe
Edited by Alexander Wöll, University of Regensburg and Harald Wydra, University of Cambridge

37.  Energy Dependency, Politics and Corruption in the Former Soviet Union. Russia’s Power, Oligarchs’ Profits and Ukraine’s Missing Energy Policy, 1995-2006
Margarita Balmaceda, Harvard University

38.  Peopling the Russian Periphery. Borderland Colonisation in Eurasian History
Edited by Nicholas Breyfogle, Ohio State University, Abby Schrader, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania and Willard Sunderland, University of Cincinnati

39.  Russian Criminal Justice Before and After Communism. Criminal justice, politics and the public sphere
Frances Nethercott, University of St Andrews

40.  Political and Social Thought in Post-Communist Russia
Axel Kaehne, Cardiff University

41.  The Demise of the Soviet Communist Party
Atsushi Ogushi, Hokkaido University

42.  Russian Policy Towards China and Japan. The El’tsin and Putin Periods
Natasha Kuhrt, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London

43.  Soviet Karelia. Politics, Planning and Terror in Stalin’s Russia, 1920-39
Nick Baron, University of Nottingham

44.  Reinventing Poland. Economic and Political Transformation and Evolving National Identity
Edited by Martin Myant, University of Paisley and Terry Cox, University of Glasgow

45.  The Russian Revolution in Retreat, 1920-24. Soviet Workers and the New Communist Elite
Simon Pirani, University of Essex

46.  Democratisation and Gender in Contemporary Russia 
Suvi Salmenniemi, University of Helsinki

47.  Narrating Post/Communism
Colonial Discourse and Europe's Borderline Civilization 
Nataša Kovačević, Eastern Michigan University

48.  Globalization and the State in Central and Eastern Europe. The Politics of Foreign Direct Investment
Jan Drahokoupil, Central European University, Budapest

49.  Local Politics and Democratisation in Russia

Cameron Ross, University of Dundee50.  The Emancipation of the Serfs in Russia. Peace Arbitrators and the Development of Civil Society

Roxanne Easley, Central Washington University

51.  Federalism and Local Politics in Russia
Edited by Cameron Ross, University of Dundee and Adrian Campbell, University of Birmingham

52.  Transitional Justice in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. Reckoning with the Communist Past, Lavinia Stan, Concordia University , Montreal

53.  The Post-Soviet Russian Media: Power, Change and Conflicting Messages

Edited by Birgit Beumers, University of Bristol, Stephen Hutchings, University of Manchester and Natalya Rulyova, University of Surrey

54.  Minority Rights in Central and Eastern Europe
Edited by Bernd Rechel, University of Birmingham


55.  Television and Culture in Putin’s Russia
Stephen Hutchings, University of Manchester and Natalya Rulyova, University of Birmingham

56.  The Making of Modern Lithuania
Tomas Balkelis, University of Manchester

57.  Soviet State and Society Under Nikita Khrushchev
Edited by Melanie Ilic, University of Gloucestershire and Jeremy Smith, University of Birmingham

58.  Communism, Nationalism and Ethnicity in Poland, 1944-1950
Michael Fleming, Academy of Humanities and Economics, Lodz, Poland

59.  Democratic Elections in Poland, 1991-2007
Frances Millard, University of Essex

60.  Critical Theory in Russia and the West
Edited by Alastair Renfrew, University of Durham and Galin Tihanov, University of Manchester

61. Promoting Democracy and Human Rights in Russia
Sinikukka Saari, Finnish Institute of International Affairs

62. The Myth of the Russian Intelligentsia: Old Intellectuals in the New Russia
Inna Kotchetkova, Cardiff University

63. Russia’s Federal Relations
Putin’s Reforms and the Management of the Regions
Elena Chebankova, University of Cambridge

64. Constitutional Bargaining in Russia, 1990-93
Edward Morgan-Jones, University of Oxford

65. Building Big Business in Russia. The Impact of Informal Corporate Governance Practices
Yuko Adachi, Sophia University, Tokyo

66. Russia and IslamState, Society and Radicalism
Edited by Roland Dannreuther, University of Westminster, and Luke March, University of Edinburgh

67.  Celebrity and Glamour in Contemporary RussiaShocking Chic
Edited by Helena Goscilo, Ohio State University, and Vlad Strukov, University of Leeds

68. The Socialist Alternative to Bolshevik Russia: The Socialist Revolutionary Party, 1917-39
Elizabeth White, University of Ulster

69.  Learning to Labour in Post-Soviet RussiaVocational Youth in Transition 
Charles Walker, University of Oxford

70.  Television and Presidential Power in Putin’s Russia 
Tina Burrett, Hosei University, Japan

71.  Political Theory and Community Building in Post-Soviet Russia 
Edited by Oleg Kharkhordin, European University at St Petersburg and Risto Alapuro, University of Helsinki

72.  Disease, Health Care and Government in Late Imperial RussiaLife and Death on the Volga, 1823-1914
Charlotte Henze, University of Cambridge

73.  Khrushchev in the KremlinPolicy and Government in the Soviet Union, 1956-64
Edited by Jeremy Smith, University of Birmingham and Melanie Ilic, University of Gloucestershire

74.  Citizens in the Making in Post-Soviet States
Olena Nikolayenko, Fordham University

75.  The Decline of Regionalism in Putin’s RussiaBoundary Issues
J Paul Goode, University of Oklahoma

76.  The Communist Youth League and the Transformation of Soviet Russia, 1917-32 
Matthias Neumann, University of East Anglia

77.  Putin’s United Russia Party
S. P. Roberts, University of Birmingham

78.  The European Union and its Eastern NeighboursTowards a more ambitious partnership?
Elena Korosteleva, Aberystwyth University

79.  Russia’s Identity in International Relations
Images, Perceptions, Misperceptions

Edited by Ray Taras, Tulane University

80.  Putin as Celebrity and Cultural Icon
Edited by Helena Goscilo, Ohio State University

81.  Russia – Democracy versus Modernisation
Edited by Vladislav Inozemtsev, Moscow State Lomonosov University and Piotr Dutkiewicz, Carleton University

82.  Putin’s Preventative Counter-Revolution
Robert Horvath, La Trobe University

83.  The Baltic States: From Soviet Union to European Union
Richard Mole, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London

84.  The EU-Russia Borderland
Edited by Heikki Eskilinen, Ilkka Liikanen and James Scott, all University of Joensuu, Finland

85.  The Economic Sources of Social Order Development in Post-Socialist Eastern Europe
Richard Connolly, University of Birmingham

86.  East European Diasporas, Migration and Cosmopolitanism
Edited by Ulrike Ziemer, University of Winchester and Sean Roberts, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London

87.  Russia’s Civil Society under Vladimir Putin
Elena Chebankova, University of Lincoln

88.  Post-Communist Poland – Contested Pasts and Future Identities
Ewa Ochman, University of Manchester

89.  Soviet Economic Management under Khrushchev
Natalia Kabita, University of Glasgow

90.  Soviet Consumption in the Brezhnev Era
Natalya Chernyshova, Winchester University

91.  The Transition to Democracy in Hungary
Àrpád Göncz and the Post-Communist Hungarian Presidency
Dae Soon Kim, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea

92.  The Politics of HIV/AIDS in Russia
Ulla Pape, Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict, Ruhr-University Bochum

93.  The Capitalist Transformation of State Socialism: The Capitalist Transformation of State Socialism and What Followed
David Lane, University of Cambridge 

94.  Disability in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union
Edited by Michael Rasell, University of Lincoln, and Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova, Saratov State Technical University

95.  The Making and Breaking of Soviet Lithuania
Memory and Modernity in the Wake of War

Violeta Davoliūté, Vilnius University

96.  Ideologies of Eastness in Central and Eastern Europe
Tomasz Zarycki, University of Warsaw

97.  Cinema, State Socialism and Society in the Former Soviet Bloc, 1917-1989
Sanja Bahun and John Haynes, University of Essex

98.  Ethnic Relations in Post-Soviet Russia
Russians and Non-Russians in the North Caucasus
Andrew Foxall, Queen’s University, Belfast

99. Eastern Europe and the Challenges of Modernity, 1800-2000
Stefano Bianchini, University of Bologna

100.  Nation, Ethnicity and Race on Russian Television
Mediating Post-Soviet Difference
Stephen Hutchings and Vera Tolz, both University of Manchester

101.  Russia-China Relations in the Post-Crisis International Order
Marcin Kaczmarski, University of Warsaw

102.  Communicating Climate Change in Russia
State and Propaganda
Marianna Poberezhskaya, Nottingham Trent University

103.  New Europe’s New Development Aid
Balázs Szent-Iványi, Corvinus University of Budapest and Simon Lightfoot, University of Leeds

104. The Radical Right in Late Imperial Russia
Dreams of a True Fatherland?
George Gilbert, University of Southampton

105. Russian Foreign Policy under Dmitry Medvedev, 2008-2012
Valerie A. Pacer, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London

106. Georgia after Stalin
Nationalism and Soviet Power
Edited by Timothy Blauvelt,Ilia State University, Tbilisi and Jeremy Smith, University of Eastern Finland

107. The EU's Eastern Neighbourhood
Migration, Borders and Regional Stability
Edited by Ilkka Liikanen, James W. Scott and Tiina Sotkasiira, all University of Eastern Finland

108. Freedom of Speech in Russia
Politics and Media from Gorbachev to Putin
Daphne Skillen






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To view of all of the titles in the series visit Routledge.

If you are interested in reviewing one of the books from the series, please contact Kathryn Reavill, giving your name address and the journal you are reviewing for.