Brexit - Applying for EU Research Funding

Dear BASEES member,

The referendum vote was, to say the least, disappointing. In the last newsletter, written before the referendum, I drew attention to the potential negative impact of withdrawal from the EU of BASEES members' access to EU funding for research. There has been recent press comment about the impact of Brexit  on research funding and BASEES will be participating in lobbying parliament to ensure that funding gaps that emerge are filled.   In the meantime, it is important that we continue to submit applications for EU funding in order both to send a message to the UK government about our continuing engagement with colleagues and HE institutions in the Europe and to send a message to our EU partners that we remain fully engaged with EU research programmes. 

The link below to League of European Research Universities press release on cooperation with the UK in light of Brexit - please read and send on to other colleagues who might not be members of BASEES

It provides the following reassurances:  

 (i) the UK's status as a full, participating member of the Horizon 2020 programme has not changed as a result of the referendum vote – existing project grants and contracts will be honoured unless or until advised otherwise. UK institutions also remain fully eligible to apply to all funding schemes of Horizon 2020, for which UK funding is committed until 2020;

(ii) high-level links have made it clear, from top levels in Brussels, that there should be no discrimination against UK applicants for EU funding.

Professor Judith Pallot

President BASEES
Christ Church