BASEES Conference 2015 - Presentation Feedback for Postgraduates

Conference Presentation Feedback for Postgraduates

The annual BASEES conference provides postgraduates with some of their first experiences to present work to an academic audience.  While this is an excellent opportunity, it can also be nerve-racking!  A common cause of anxiety amongst postgraduates giving presentations is the lack of feedback – how do you answer the question “how did it go” without anyone telling you what they thought?

For its 2015 conference in March, BASEES intends to run a scheme to allow postgraduates to exchange friendly, constructive feedback on each other’s presentations.  Under the scheme, postgraduates presenting a paper or poster can request someone attend their panel and discuss how it went afterwards.  Anyone interested in taking part in the scheme should also be willing to attend someone else’s presentation, to ensure everyone involved has an opportunity to receive feedback.

For all expressions of interest, please contact BASEES postgraduate representative, Alistair Dickins (  Please state your name, the title of your panel and paper/poster, and all the days you plan to attend the conference.
