Fully Funded PhD Studentship in Russian History and Culture, Queen Mary, University of London

Placed on:29th May 2014 

Closes:1st July 2014

Queen Mary University of London and the British Library invite applications for a fully-funded PhD studentship to start 1 October 2014 (full-time study) on: ‘The Russian Revolutions and Civil Wars: Journalism and the Media, 1905-1924’. Research may be on any dimension of this theme from but must make substantial use of sources available in the British Library. The successful candidate will be supervised by Dr Jeremy Hicks (QMUL School of Languages, Linguistics and Film, Russian) and Dr Jonathan Smele (QMUL School of History), with additional supervison from Dr Ekaterina Rogatchevskaia (British Library, European Studies). The recipient of the award will also help prepare a major exhibition on the Russian Revolution to be held at the British Library in 2017, receiving training and experience in collection and exhibition curatorship at the UK’s principal research library, as part of an original research project.

Applicants must have:

  • A First Class or 2:1 BA Honours degree in a relevant discipline.
  • An MA, or equivalent, in a relevant discipline by 1 October 2014
  • Reading knowledge of Russian, or willingness to learn Russian quickly (many BL source materials will be in this language, and additional fieldwork in Russian archives will also to be necessary). 
  • Knowledge of at least one of the following research areas: modern Russian history, twentieth-century Russian visual or literary culture, history of the media, propaganda, film and journalism

Due to funding applicants must be classed as resident in the UK. Non-UK citizens need to have been resident in the UK for three years prior to the award, for purposes other than full-time education. (EU students who do not hold residency in the UK are eligible for a fees only award: see AHRC criteria).

The awards will cover university tuition fees and provide the standard AHRC maintenance award for three years. In addition, the student will receive research support from the British Library of up to £1000 for approved research-related expenses, as well as Associate Staff status, a workspace, computer and special borrowing and other staff privileges in the British library.

Candidates should complete a QMUL postgraduate research application form applying to the School of Languages, Linguistics and Film, including a CV, two references, academic transcript and a 1000-word statement of purpose explaining the proposed research and the kinds of items in the British Library Russian collections you hope to use. The completed application must be e-mailed to Dr Jeremy Hicks (j.g.hicks@qmul.ac.uk). For guidance in identifying materials most relevant to your envisaged project, please contact Dr Ekaterina Rogatchevskaia (katya.rogatchevskaia@bl.uk).

Applications must be received no later than 5pm 1 July. All short-listed applicants will be interviewed and must be available for interview on Friday 11 July. Any particular requirements for the interview will be communicated when shortlisted candidates are contacted after 1 July.

If you are interested in applying, please contact Dr Jeremy Hicks (j.g.hicks@qmul.ac.uk) or Dr Jon Smele (j.d.smele@qmul.ac.uk) to discuss your research topic.