Student think tank launched at the University of Glasgow


A student think tank called EURASIAN IDEAS has been launched at the University of Glasgow. The think tank project is run by students who are united in their enthusiasm to promote research and discourse on Eastern Europe and the newly independent states of Eurasia.

EURASIAN IDEAS provides analysis and advocates informed discussion of contemporary issues that concern Eastern Europe, Russia, the Caucasus and Central Asia. The idea behind the think tank is to bring together students and graduates from different nationalities, backgrounds and degree stages who are eager to apply their class knowledge to a dynamic project and to make their research focus available to a wider audience.

Young academics interested in contributing to EURASIAN IDEAS are invited to submit relevant papers for publication on the think tank website. Frequent contributions are welcome and interested authors can receive their own blog section on EURASIAN IDEAS website.

More information on the project and how to contribute can be found here:

As well as on the think tank’s Facebook page: