National Desiderata List

CoFoR-REES is a partnership of nearly 20 UK libraries with important REES collections. Among other activities it maintains a National Desiderata List of major sources (e.g. microform sets, online services) that are important for REES research in Britain but which are not at present accessible, usually because of their high cost. CoFoR-REES has used the Desiderata List in consortial negotiations with publishers, and we are now updating it to serve as a basis for preparing cases for special funding to help acquisition by libraries. 

We welcome recommendations from BASEES members for items to be included on the revised Desiderata List , particularly if they are seen as essential to current research in more than one institution, and if their cost has so far prevented acquisition.

Please email recommendations to: Dr Gregory Walker

Or via postal entry to: 

Bodleian Library,

Please give the full title and publisher of the product, with a note on its importance to research.
